We can all do something that can have a great impact!
Book your next stay at one of the 620+ Green Key
members in Greece.
A global community for a sustainable future
Green Key is a voluntary ecolabel awarded to more than 5.000 hotels and other establishments in 60 countries.
620+ awarded business in Greece
have commited to adhere to the strict criteria of the prestigious Green Key ecolabel
Make a choice that can make a difference!
for green
a room with
no reservation
& noble causes
Your travel choices can have a great impact to the local communities!
Search for green accommodation among our Green Key Members and when you book your stay online on our website you will earn 6% back in Responsible Traveller Rewards which you can use to support local communities.
The Hellenic Society
for the protection of the nature
The Green Key ecolabel is managed by the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature (HSPN), the oldest environmental Greek non governmental organization that has continuously carried out its mission since 1951, to protect nature and sensitize Greeks and everyone who loves Greece about our country’ s natural heritage
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